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Finding Your Path

Jamie Arreola

Why are we here? Philosophers and dreamers alike ponder this question. To help answer this for ourselves, we can follow threads from our birth through today, to discover clues about our purpose. 

One thread to follow is the thread of your earliest loves and interests. As an example, I share a thread of my own: what I loved as a child most of all were my teachers. By following that thread throughout my life I can see how it has led me to my purpose.

What we loved as a kid can create a path for our lives!

For me, WHAT I LOVED AS A CHILD were my TEACHERS. I adored school because I had excellent teachers there waiting for me to help me learn and grow. I admired my teachers, looked up to them, and I was so thankful that no matter how hard a weekend I may have had, my teachers would be at school waiting Monday morning with an open door. That just blew my mind. I could really count on my teachers!

My positive experiences at school, due to all of my superstar childhood teachers, helped kindle two of my lifetime goals: 1) to become a great teacher myself, and, 2) to continue seeking out outstanding teachers throughout my lifetime, so that I would never stop learning.

As a teen, I was the neighborhood babysitter. I learned to be patient, and to pay attention. Babies have so much to tell you if you observe and tune in. Those babies were some of my best teachers ever!

After university, I became a middle school teacher so I could help other children the way my teachers helped me. I wanted not only to help them learn, but to encourage them to feel good about themselves and have hope for their futures. Those students helped me feel good about myself and hope too!

I see my family members as incredible teachers. My husband of 31 years continues to teach me about being a strong, independent, resilient thinker, how to problem-solve, and how to keep family and faith at the core of all we do. My children are two of my best teachers. Even though they are 24 and 26 years old, they still humble me and keep me in awe. My mother and father still guide me to think deeply, and some of my best intellectual conversations are with them. My inlaws have taught me to love without limits, and to keep God in the center of my life. My siblings put a smile in my heart when they give me advice or ask for mine. 

I earned my master's degree in Education Counseling, counseling youth and adults choosing their educational and career paths, and I have directed an afterschool homework center where I encouraged children to ask questions and keep trying in order to master their studies.

Then, I became an owner and director of a healthy organic produce company. I learned about organic growing practices, and then taught my customers about the health benefits of organic food.

Next I became a certified health and life coach, then a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and I learned how to listen to people's stories to coach them around habit change for better health, wellbeing and overall satisfaction.

Curiosity about health led me to become a certified functional nutritionist. I learned how foods, supplements and lifestyle affect health; and then I began to teach this information to my clients, friends and family.

Currently, I am getting certified as a Brain Health Licensed Trainer to teach people how to care for their brains for better mental health and wellness.

In order to be a superb teacher, I keep beginning first, as a student. Here I was feeling like I was jumping around and changing professions, when all along, I was perfecting my craft as a teacher, coach and guide!

My purpose, then, at least in part, is to be a lifelong teacher and lifelong learner! 

Looking back, it all makes sense. I followed this thread all the way back and discovered my passion for teaching and learning is my purpose, mission, and my life story! It is so obvious, but we have to take time to examine our life.

NOW IT IS YOUR TURN. Are you ready to follow your thread through your personal timeline and discover how the story of your life has unfolded to bring you where you are for a PURPOSE? Write it down. It will likely blow your mind, just like my story surprised me. Let me know how it goes, and contact me if you would like me to accompany you on your quest!

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