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Jamie Arreola

Holiday Gifts 2024

Holiday decor is already going up in San Jose. I love Christmas. Let me say that again. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! 😍 Yet, I dislike the overt push to consume. Here is a poem to explain a few of my sentiments about the commercialism of holidays, and offer some advice in a fun and playful way. I wrote this poem. Please share, if it resonates with you. 

Holiday Gifts 2024- A Poem By Jamie Goins Arreola

While stores push their sparkle, lights and fake cheer,

And play Christmas muzak we’re so eager to hear,

Just pause for a moment, think, "What will I give?”

A treasure soon tossed—or a memory to live?“

True gifts aren’t just stuff,” knows The Grinch who’s been learning;

Though TikTok and celebrity trends have us yearning,

A gift holds a feeling, a touch of “I see you,”

A wink that says, “Sure, you’re a lot, but I get you!”

Skip the overpriced shoes and the fancy decor—

How about  “One Free Rant” when life is a chore?

Or a free silly makeover for laughs on demand,

Help cleaning their place —just give them a hand!

Remember, it’s not what your wallet can bring,

But a well-thought out gesture, the karaoke you'll sing.

A DIY kit for their inner Picasso,

Or cooking a meal, ‘cause why not try risotto? (Haha)

In a world of posh storefronts with seasonal feels,

We may soon forget what is warm and what’s real.

What’s true is our family, friends, neighbors and pets,

They know us beyond our gives and our gets.

What we all remember when time marches past,

Aren’t the big dollars spent; those memories don’t last.

It's the love wrapped in tenderness, laughter and smiles,

Memories we turn to when we must go extra miles. 

So when you go shopping, keep this in your heart,

Give gifts that are lasting, even when you’re apart.

For it’s not about spending, but kindness and care,

The heart of true giving creates memories to share.

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